Living like it Matters
Step into the YOU that insists on living a happy, fulfilled, connected life… in ALL areas.
Living like it Matters
Step into the YOU that insists on living a happy, fulfilled, connected life… in ALL areas.

Listen to Michelle's raw & real talk
at Fearless Women's Summit

Michelle is the epitome of the Power Love Woman; far from perfect, yet living a Power Love Life. She is unapologetically powerful, beautifully bold, and courageously confident. She is raw, real, and relatable as she stands for the power and love in others.
Michelle is relentlessly loving and radically compassionate… with herself and with the people in her life.
Michelle doesn’t conform to the roles society expects her to play… she’s a bit rebellious in that way. Michelle does not fit into any mold and she will not let the world try to force her to live inside any one particular box.
Yes, she’s a woman. Yes, she’s a partner. Yes, she’s a mother. Yes, she’s a business owner, coach and therapist. She has a messy past and a complex present.
But none of these identities define her. And yet, at the same time… all of them influence her because they’re all interconnected.
She loves herself first… and she lets that empowered self-love guide how she shows up for herself, for her family, for her business, for her community, for the world.
Michelle is a wise and talented expert in (not to mention perpetual student of) women’s mindset, relationships, empowerment, healing and personal/professional development. She eats, sleeps, and breathes this work and incorporates it in every aspect of her life.
She has a masters in Counselling Psychology and over a decade of experience in the personal development industry. Michelle uses her expertise to be a catalyst so individuals can awaken the most powerful version of themselves and boldly claim more of what they want in love, life, and leadership.

But it’s not just Michelle’s expertise and experience that makes her stand out. It’s WHO SHE IS.
Michelle is a fierce advocate for women and she intends to flip the script and change the game on what it means to be an empowered and powerful woman because the Super Woman/Powerless Woman trap is imploding.
She wants ALL women to fulfill THEIR VISION of having it all by BEING all of who they are… distinct from what they’ve been taught that they “should” have or who they “should” be. She’s passionate about showing women that THEY already have everything they need to BE the powerful, loving, compassionate person in life that they can depend on.
Because of her own personal work, Michelle knows that BEING all of who you are is an ongoing discovery… and she courageously, vulnerably, and tenderly guides herself and others through that discovery.
Michelle wants all women to know what it means to truly love themselves. She wants women to experience the power of unconditional love for themselves... so they choose to always honor themselves even if they don’t like every part of themselves.
Michelle champions the concept that women MUST stop letting love, life, and leadership happen TO them… and must START taking an active role in how they are treated by others so they can get what they want in life.
Michelle helps women understand that they don’t need to change who they are.
That they can learn to radically accept the way they are and the way they are not, and use that knowledge to break the patterns that are keeping them from what they desire.
Michelle knows that at the core of every woman’s relationship with others… is the relationship she has with herself. Which is why she approaches womens’ mindset, growth, development, and empowerment by helping women look INWARD first.
Michelle guides individuals on a journey of radical self love and acceptance, because she knows that the unlimited success, deep fulfillment, pure joy, and unconditional love that these women seek… that it’s an inside job.
And she firmly believe that those who bravely face this difficult and meaningful work, will ever find what (s)he truly wants in life.
Michelle’s journey to living a Power Love Life hasn’t always been easy, and certainly hasn’t been perfect.
But that’s ok. It never is… and a Power Love Woman knows that. It’s not about perfection. It’s not about keeping score.
Michelle knows who she is and who she isn’t. She is confident in herself and yet aware that she is perpetually discovering and becoming more of herself. Her ownership of this is something others admire in her.
She doesn’t live in absolutes or extremes. She instead navigates life in between and grounds her choices and decisions in love, honor, and alignment for who she is and what she values.
Revolutionize your relationship with you and the world around you, then watch what shows up.

Michelle's Mission
Michelle embodies everything that it means to be a Power Love Woman living a Power Love Life, no matter how imperfectly. She is madly in love… with herself, her family and her life… and because she knows just how spectacular that is… she is on a mission to make sure EVERY woman feels this way too.
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Simply leave me your name, email, and question, and I will get right back to you.