How to Stop Dating Narcissists

Do you want to learn how to stop dating narcissists?

If you have dated at least one person you suspect was a narcissist then you KNOW how destructive that is emotionally and you MUST never let it happen again.

Many people have come to me trying to figure out why they keep attracting narcissists and how to shift that pattern so they can enjoy a HEALTHY relationship instead. If that sounds like you, continue reading!

The most important thing you can do prevent dating narcissists is to:


I often hear people saying: “I prefer a guy I can be myself around” or “I like someone who can bring me out of my shell”.

While compatibility is totally  important, this dependence you have on the other person so that you can be yourself  is a HUGE pitfall and often leads to dating narcissists.

People fall for narcissists because narcissists have this ability to make us feel ALIVE, IMPORTANT and CONFIDENT. When it suits them, of course!

This can look many different ways.  Maybe he makes you feel needed, or interesting, or fun and confident.

But here’s the million dollar question: WHY DO YOU NEED HIM TO FEEL THIS WAY?

Instead, START OWNING YOUR OWN SELF-ASSURANCE so you can stop dating narcissists!

Learn to be the light that you are, no matter who is in front of you.

When you learn to do this, you won’t fall for the traps of feeling needed, interesting, fun or confident based on someone else. You’ll be free to choose someone who is actually capable of a true partnership.  And You will KNOW.

You are those things no matter who you’re with!

Let me say this another way.

Be the person who brings out the best in others rather than waiting for someone to bring out the best in you.

This way, you are much less likely to fall under the charismatic spell of a narcissist.

So, here’s the lesson, instead of looking for the short-cut, someone who you feel an instant spark with, practice being the woman you really want to be – with EVERYONE!

And like my mom always says, “take the time to get to know the guy”.

I also have some other resources for you on this love journey.

If you want to learn 6 ways to find love without compromising yourself, then be sure to participate in my Power Love Workshop

I also recommend you watch my live talk on Changing the Way You’re Loved. This will help get you in the right mindset moving forward.

Love yourself. Love your life. Thrive in love. Don’t settle!