My Rebellious Vision Board

MY REBELLIOUS VISION BOARD-  WANNA TRY IT? Do you ever do vision boards? Or even just reflect on what you want to create or accomplish in the year to come?  Everything felt totally different this time on January 1st when I pulled out the old magazines, scissors and glue sticks and sat down with Tommy…

“Are you and Tommy still together?”

“ARE YOU AND TOMMY STILL TOGETHER?” Soooo, whenever I haven’t chatted with someone in a while they often say, “Are you still with Tommy? I wasn’t sure”. Yes, I absolutely am! We have built a wonderful family life, raising our wonderful daughter, and left the city and bought a house north by the lake. We…

You’re a Superhero!

Let’s take a moment to give a shout out to all the mammas. As a relatively new mom, I’ve come to discover that moms are unseen superheroes. And maybe it’s taboo for me, as a mom, to say that we are superheroes, but shifting this culture of taking motherhood for granted is well overdue. I…

The 5 likely reasons he ghosted you

Did someone you are dating or chatting with seem to disappear out of nowhere? Then you, my friend, have been ghosted. There’s no getting around it, being ghosted feels awful, so it’s important you know what you might have done to cause this irregular behavior and how to know if it’s actually a blessing in disguise. So…

Michelle’s Pick: Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

I’m loving Gabrielle Bernstein’s new book Super Attractor. Who else is loving this book? Share your thoughts! My favourite part so far is the emphasis on feeling good. If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to ‘make something happen’, wondering why working harder isn’t getting better results. This…

How to Stop Dating Narcissists

Do you want to learn how to stop dating narcissists? If you have dated at least one person you suspect was a narcissist then you KNOW how destructive that is emotionally and you MUST never let it happen again. Many people have come to me trying to figure out why they keep attracting narcissists and…

5 authentic ways to be more confident

5 authentic ways to be more confident Do you ever say to yourself, “I don’t feel good enough?” What would a confidence boost do for you and your life? I bet a lot! Below are phrases you may tell yourself which is an indicator you need an AUTHENTIC confidence boost. I’m not good enough It’s…

The Simple Secret to a Lasting Relationship

Learn the simple secret on how to find a lasting relationship. This ONE conversation saved my relationship many times already We always go into a relationship or marriage, intending for it to last, right?  But most of the time it doesn’t. It turns out that the secret to a lasting relationship is THIS conversation. I…

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