5 Steps for Manifesting Love

Manifestation has become somewhat of a buzz-word these days. In fact, at one point, I was so sick of hearing that word that I began to resist manifestation! Imagine how that went! But here’s the funny thing about resisting manifestation. We are doing it all the time, whether we like what we see or not.

Once I embraced the art of manifestation, I was able to make some seemingly difficult decisions which led to having my life flow with ease; to allow my life to flow in synchronicity with my desires and highest potential. To give you an idea, in a very short time, I went from being an over-worked professional, burning the candle at both ends, surrounded by people but lonely as all heck, to attracting my match, falling in love, building a thriving business of my dreams, and I am now blessed with a baby in my belly after only 2 cycles of baby-making.

I’m not special or lucky and you can do this too. I’m going to walk you through the steps of manifesting love, but you can apply this to any area. It’s especially important to do this work after you’ve been disappointed, heartbroken, or thwarted.

Step 1. Gratitude.
Many people make the mistake of asking God or the Universe for change or an outcome from a place of suffering and survival. “I don’t want to be alone anymore”. “I have to find someone”. “I can’t get hurt again”, etc. This is disempowering and never works, as you’re resisting both yourself and the higher power. So start with gratitude. No matter how bad things are, you can start with the fact that you’re alive. If there is even a hint of victim in your mindset, then sit down and write 50 things you’re grateful for before moving on. Cause yourself to FEEL grateful, including gratitude for that which brought you pain and suffering. You know you’ve done enough when you feel a distinct shift. Particularly if you are manifesting love, then be grateful for how much love already surrounds you and has surrounded you in the past. Do not move forward until what you’re asking for feels like a bonus, rather than a need.

Step 2. Ask Clearly without Conditions.
It’s important to ask and also to be specific. However there are some common errors here too.   Many people ask for a specific physical attribute, like “I want a tall dark and handsome man”. But perhaps what she really wants is someone she is attracted to, and someone who makes her feel safe and sexy. So what I want you do is write your list of what you want. But then for each attribute, get clear about what feeling or experience you want from that attribute. What is the intention of that attribute? It’s that intention or experience that you really want. Believe me, if he turned out to be blonde, you won’t care, if you have the experience of being totally turned on, safe, and divinely sexy for example. Also be sure to ask for what you want, not what you don’t want. Don’t drag your ex-husband into this… you with me?

Step 3. Guide through Gratitude.
You’re learning how to communicate in a new way and like all communication, it often takes some back-and-forth for clarification. So it is critical that you give thanks to even the smallest things that are consistent with what you’ve asked for. For example, let’s say you go on a date with someone who is physically repulsive to you but he is bold, passionate, intelligent and thoughtful, or even better, in his presence you were able to really be yourself! Should you focus on your lack of attraction to him? No! Be sure to take time to recognize, with gratitude, that what you are asking for is showing up! It doesn’t mean you need to choose him to marry. Consider this to be evidence that your manifestation skills are working! But you must give gratitude to confirm and reenforce those things that you want so that more of what you want can show up.

Step 4. Act Now.
This is essential. You must pay attention and take every opportunity that looks and smells like what you’ve asked for. Maybe you’ve been invited to a party – GO! Did you notice someone? Go talk to him. Is someone noticing you? Be open and curious with him. Did you have this spontaneous idea to do something? Do it! Warning: It’s not a 1:1 ratio (action:result) so you cannot question yourself if a conversation doesn’t directly lead to love. Keep taking ALL the actions you see. Step towards all the opportunities. What’s important is that you don’t hesitate.

Step 5. Let go and Trust.
Letting go means you are not entitled to this result that you’ve requested. Consider you may not yet be aware of what your highest purpose is, or what you need to learn before fulfilling this outcome. You must let go being in charge. You are letting go of control. Trust means trusting that the higher power has your back. Trusting that if what you’re asking for truly does serve you that you it will be made available to you. For example, you may be asking for characteristics in a man that are not a healthy match for you. Your higher power is looking out for you. The more you let go, and trust, the more quickly you’ll begin to align with the fulfillment of what you REALLY want. Whatever journey there is for you to take, trust that it is exactly what serves your highest good.

If you’d like to find out about getting more support in your love life, you can book a free call at www.michellebaxo.com/apply

With Love,

Michelle Baxo
Power Love Founder, Coach and Mentor