How to Attract Money Now – Abundance is in your reach!

Does it seem like no matter what you do, you’re destined to be broke!  Learn how to attract money now because abundance is in your reach. Money isn’t everything, but it’s also pretty awesome.

If you take a look at your situation and notice that you never seem to be making enough money, then you need to power love yourself enough to make a change.  I’m about to give you a guideline on how Power Loving Money can change everything

Now let’s be honest for a moment. If you’re not earning much, or spending all or MORE than you earn, then you my friend, have an unhealthy relationship with money.

The first step is to:

Look at how you treat money!

Are you respecting it? Are you keeping it around long term or are you getting rid of your money as fast as possible? You need to treat money like you treat the person you want to marry, rather than treating money like some one-night stand. 

Here are some examples of how you can treat money with respect

  • Show money you’re serious about it. See a financial advisor and create a financial plan for financial security and to fulfill your goals that cost money
  • Create multiple savings accounts and organize your money with auto deposits
  • Get creative with multiple streams of income
  • Be reliable with paying your bills and debt
  • Pay don’t forget to pay your taxes on time!
  • Track the money you have coming in. Celebrate every daughter
  • Also, track your spending- all of it.
  • Make sure you’re spending money consistent with your values.  Have your spending and saving be in alignment with you.

Next, to Power Love Money, you need to:

Check your mindset, memories and beliefs about money.

Do you judge rich people?  Did your rich uncle cheat on his wife? Do you believe that you need money to be happy or that having money will make you a bad, greedy person?

Well guess what, these mindsets, memories and beliefs will keep you from seizing financial opportunity or will ensure you get rid of it faster than you got it.

Now, these are just a few examples, but it’s critical that you transform your relationship with money pronto and this should give you an idea of where to start.

This just scratches the surface, and there are TONS of resources out there for you. Just remember, it’s NOT just about your salary or what’s in your bank account. That’s the tip of the iceberg. There is so much running the show beneath the surface and that’s where I want you to go to work.

The last step is for you to:

Get crystal clear about the future you want to create for yourself.

And that starts by getting clear on the future YOU you want to create.  So now I want you to do my Power Love Visualization Meditation. It’s a life changer, there’s no doubt about it. You will love it.

Love yourself, Love your life.  Don’t settle